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Kate Beckinsale Pictures

Kate Beckinsale played Selene in Underworld and was also in Van Helsing and Vacancy.


In the perfect word I could wake up every morning and have a perfect harmonieous ballance and not ever have need to look for comfort, attention or validation to confirm my place on K.B's food chain. BUT if it were not for the fact that my girl friend(I know. that sounds cheesy and of young intelect "girl friend") was a hair less hot than K.B., and knowing my girls great pesonality, I would think about trading her in due to the fact, K.B has the SEXIEST vioce and accent I have ever heard. My girl is ok with this due to the fact that in a New York second she would trade me in for K.B as well. That makes me smile. Have a great day people. T.A. 64

toxicavenger64 - 3/9/2008, 4:27 PM

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